Sensationalizing the insignificant - just like everyone else.


This Week's World In Review.

"Barack Hussein Obama is the President-Elect of the United States of America."

These words symbolize not only the introduction of a new administration, but also a new era in global politics. No longer are the pep talks of 'anything is possible' generic words used to motivate the children of the world to undefined goals, but are facts of life that no longer require words - but only a motion towards the man who now leads the country. Perhaps this is a symbol of a new trend in world affairs, that color is no longer a determining factor to be accounted among the attributes of a potential elected official.

As I watch these events unfold before my eyes, I am firmly entrenched in the knowledge that we do not yet live in a time where people are judged only in that respect, but I do have hope that this puts us ever so much closer to such a world. A world where all colors, creeds, nationalities and faiths can look upon each other only as fellow human beings in this grand society we have built.

It is no secret to those who know me that I have long since dreamed of a world where the words of Malcolm X would shine on the faces of the population, and I hope from the deepest reaches of my heart that this is a sign that those words, visions and ideals are still alive. I hope that each new day shows us that the closer we can exist with one another as a civilization, the stronger we are as individuals.

I pray that now, some forty-three years after he was forcibly removed from this earth our most misunderstood hero finally begins to get his chance to prove just how true his words were.

Whether or not you agree with his political, religious or personal ideals - the election of Barack Obama represents this: so long as there is an America to talk about, so long as the words "freedom" and "unity" survive - it shall be represented by one thing and one thing alone, "We The People".

During all the time I have lived in America, I have grown more and more confident that those words are all most people want to believe. That "We The People" still have a voice in shaping the world within which we live.
BaffleGate has been on hiatus for a few months now, but soon I will be right back on task. Promise.

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